Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kicsi Lego talking up a storm

My dearest Kicsi Lego,
One day to the next you are talking up a storm. In every possible language you have heard, you are connecting the dots and your tongue rolls on speed dial. It's amazing. You are now saying phrases and simple sentences that make sense to us. I say it this way because I'm convinced you have been babbling things that made complete sense to you, just not to us. Until now!

Needless to say my all time favorite is the way you finally say "I love you"! You say: "I youuu" and if I say I love you too, you say "I youuuu toooo". Adorable!! My heart melts into a mush every time I hear you say it.
I also LOVE the way you say Mama. Although you are an all star daddy's boy (that is still a bittersweet trigger point for me), the way you say mama is the BEST in the world. First of all, you say it nonstop!!! All day long! I swear sometimes hundreds of times a day. And yet I can never get tired of it. You say it with such conviction, such emphasis, like you can see into my soul and know how quickly you can turn my entire being focused only on you every time you say "mama" "maMA" "maMMAA!" Lol

You still adore Ollie! Why am I not surprised. You might be a daddy's boy, a tough little cookie but you are sensitive. You have the biggest heart in this world. I hope and pray that you won't be afraid to show it.

I'm very tired and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow! But I'll keep writing. Always...your maMA :) I you too!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A little turn of events for Noah - we are eating again!

My dearest Noah,

Wonderful day today! You were super cute all day, and finally after weeks of struggling, you are so well! You ate your entire plate at dinner and even asked more. It made us so happy. You have been very picky and there has been days at a time when I could have counted on one finger what you ate. It made me very sad and worries and most of all, helpless. But today changed. And even more, you brushed yourself with no fuzz. Now that is huge!! Until now you cried bloody myrder every time even though you and I both know that it doesn't hurt one bit. And when I thought things could not get better, you asked me Togo toned with you and you actually cuddled. You still wanted daddy at the end but that's okay. I feel like you showered me with love today. So...thank you. I love you so very much., it's hard to put it in words.

Olor, you are growing too rapidly. I'm. It ready to be done with the baby age...
And every day you are more and more handsome and cute. You are also super curious. Especially about everything your brother does. You follow him with your eyes everywhere and every time he goes towards you, you give him the biggest smiles. You are also very attached to me, which I love I can't lie. You are adorable!!!! Love you thru and thru!

So Kicsi Lego and Csili csalamade, you make my day everyday.

Daddy has been awesome lately too. We are so so tired (one day you guys will know when you have your own kids) that sometime later we are even too tired to want what we want. I know this makes no sense but you will know what I'm talking about one day:) being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I'd never change any of it. Okay maybe one thing. I wish it didn't come with so much worry all the time. I think that part is the most exhausting. I can never tune out and get true mindless rest, because no matter what I worry about you guys all the time. Do you eat enough, do you eat healthy enough, do you sleep enough, do you sleep too much, do you like daycare, do you earn enough, will you get into good schools, and will you resist bad peer pressure , will we be able to give you everything you need, will you be happy, safe and healthy. And on it goes, it never ends. Most days these things are trivial or at least manageable but some days the worries can over take my mind and I just want to cry for relief. You guys (and daddy of course) are everything to me!
