Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us to you!
While the pandemic cruelly continued to keep us far and away
from most of our loved ones, 2021 was filled with both “firsts” and “lasts” and
many special moments and milestones in between.
Big birthdays (40), new hobbies (piano for Noah), sports
(tennis, soccer), taste of triumphs (deep-end swim tests, soccer goals, tennis
trophies), last days of old school, first day of new school (Kindergarten for Noah),
demolitions, renovations, Netflix and Redbox, family escapes to mountains,
lakes and waterfalls (North Woodstock and Dartmouth NH); first visit by the
Tooth Fairy, early visit with Santa (Santa’s Village twice), awesome friends
and lots of laughter. Vaccines and boosters, worries and relieves. A busy year in
an unusual way – and I cannot help but being grateful for staying safe and
healthy and for all the time we get to spend together. While some days we drive
each other crazy – we will remember this year as the year of being TOGETHER.