Friday, April 23, 2021

Pandemic in our house

Pandemic in our house

It's been almost 14 months since the pandemic began; and we are still home. I can't lie I LOVE the no commute, mostly because it allows a way better work life balance than before. I LOVE waking up with you boys; you are just so cute cuddling in the morning. 

Daddy is getting his second Moderna vaccine this afternoon, and I am getting my second Pfizer tomorrow. I am a bit scared of the side effects, mostly because I don't want to feel yucky at the same time as Daddy and have you guys worry about us. This is a totally normal side effect of the vaccine and we have some tylenol to help if needed. Might be lots of pizza, cookies and TV weekend though:) 

I have so many thoughts every day that I want to tell you boys, but when I sit down to write - nothing comes to me, except how much I love you both. I sometimes I feel that I didn't achieve much in life, but then I realize that I have you two. Motherhood is by far the biggest achievement and reward in my life. It challenges me every day but also fill my heart. 

Now that Daddy and I will be vaccinated, I wonder if we could venture out more, but then I start worrying about Noah. Noah, you can't catch the corona virus - with your asthma, I feel like your lungs need to be protected above beyond. You wont' be able to get a vaccine at least until the end of this year - so I don't think our lives will change much until then. Sometimes, I say "unfortunately" but then I wonder "is it unfortunate?". At the beginning of the pandemic it was hard to coop with the lack of things to do and places to go. Now, a year after, I am struggling with having the motivation or desire to go anywhere. I like being home with you boys, and the thought of going anywhere makes me worried - I don't know why. 

I like the comfort and safety of our home, and I am having the jitters when I think of leaving it even for a short distance or short period of time. It will get some getting used to, but we will get there. I want you boys to see so many things in the world! Travel and experience different places and different people. It is by far the best thing in this world! 

Also, Noah I want to get you a dog. And a mouse. Whatever you want really, but I don't know how to figure out what to do with them if and when we want to travel. Pets make you less free - the reward is worth it usually but it is still something we must figure out. I am working on it though, you are so good with puppies - and I know how I felt when I was your age and how much I want it a puppy. So believe me bud, I will get us one:)

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